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GRÖ – An innovative and experimental learning space


In a world where modern technology is all about speed and efficiency, we have forgotten to take a step back and realize the solutions to some of our biggest problems may be right underneath our feet. The aim of this design is to uncover the potential benefits of fungi and to show how they could make a significant difference in fighting climate change and healing serious illnesses among other problems with the use of mushrooms and fungi.


“Fungi are all around you. They’re the mushrooms on your pizza, the blue veins in your Roquefort, the penicillin saving human lives, and the pesticides keeping insects away from crops. Fungi are natural recyclers: they break down plastics, clean up oil spills and, when a volcano erupts, fungi are the first organisms on the scene to begin the process of regenerating life.” (Exberliner, 2022)


As future designers, it is our responsibility to investigate any new sustainable material that could make the way for a clean living and a better future. Unfortunately, there are not enough people that know the true potential of the mushroom or for that matter care, as we haven’t learned a lot about mycology in school. 


“A lot of people are afraid of mushrooms. People associate mushrooms and fungi with death and decay which makes sense. There is a lot of fear because of fungi’s role in the cycle of life. They decompose dead and dying organisms and move all those nutrients back into the cycle. (Fantastic Fungi, 2019)


So, what is GRÖ? GRÖ is an experimental learning space focused on providing deeper knowledge of fungi and all the sustainable benefits they come with. The space promotes the use of mushrooms in society by advertising the fashion industry with clothes made from mycelium and new innovative biodegradable products such as packaging, bike helmets, interior designs etc. Introducing users to an alternative sustainable material and lifestyle could make a change and start an up rise against overconsuming and over manufacturing and make people get back to when we used to reply on our own skills set and knowledge to survive and thrive.


The space also aims to teach its users about cultivation of mushroom and how we can use mushrooms when it comes to healing mental illnesses and overall bad health by designing therapeutic break out spaces, tasting experiences and DIY product making. The aim of the experiences is for the user to gain deeper knowledge about different types of mushrooms and feel more confident including them in their everyday lives, whether it’s for mental health issues or poor well-being.


GRÖ is an innovative and futuristic idea that shows an alternative way of living and makes visitors question themselves about current lifestyle and habits and how we can come together to create a sustainable future for everyone.




The Brief:


To design an innovative and experimental learning space focused on providing a deeper knowledge of fungi and their sustainable benefits. The project will focus on inspiring its visitors with the help of promoting mycomaterials, culinarian experiences to deeper engagement in the form of cultivation and healing spaces connected to mycology.


The project will be future-focused and will take place in 2050 showing how we could overcome our biggest environmental problems by embracing the incredible fungi.


Fragments from Development Pack

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